Friday, 18 June 2021

Lockdown Day #18 : When Your Child Misbehaves

For two days straight, Belle Belle refused to come into the house at dinner time. No amount of coaxing could persuade her to come in and neither did the offer of food do the trick.

I was quite fed up, so I just let her be. The next morning she was outside the door and dashed right in for her morning feed. 

When your child misbehaves, does he or she give you this look so that you won't get mad?

After her meal, for the first time, she jumped on the sofa trying to be nice to me. At first I tak layan.

Then of course my heart melted.

She even took a sniff at my feet.

She made no attempt to go outside. Just hung around in the living room. Trying to make it up to mommy.

Then later in the morning I took out some cardboard boxes and empty bottles for recycling.

Our friend sibuk do inspection.

Then it was Girl's turn.

This was my breakfast.

Too bad my egg yolks punctured. I wish I had bread.

Look at Belle Belle. She already finished her portion and now waiting to sapu Girl's.

Girl always gives in to Belle Belle.

Greedy Belle Belle.

For dinner I sapu 3 fish fillets. I must get some more on Sunday.

Another stash of chocolates arrived today hee...hee...hee...


  1. LOL! Belle is so adorable!! her appetite is so good to even sapu Girl's food....good! that means she can eat well and is healthy! mummy no need to worry about the unfinished food that will get rotten. No food wasted. Yay!

    1. Belle is like the MBPJ, she will clean up any leftover food. LOL!

  2. Wahhhhhh!!! Your breakfast ALMOST like mine yesterday morning, blogpost in a couple of days...but of course, my egg tak bocor! LOL!!!

    Missus went out today, stocked up on fish nuggets or whatever. Have not checked the freezer, not sure exactly what she bought.

    1. LOL! I tend to break the yolks when dishing out the eggs.

  3. Western food for you for breakfast and dinner.,yummy! What did you eat for lunch? Belle Belle don't be notti. Please go in the house at night. Girl is so nice to Belle Belle to let her have her food. Thank you Girl. Wah the choc must be super nice. Where did you order them online from?

    1. Hmmm...I can't remember what I ate for lunch. LOL! The chocs are from Beehive Chocolate via Lazada.

  4. Manjalah your girl. So adorable. Agree, cannot be mad at them for so long.

    1. The muka kesian works every time. LOL!

  5. Of course....I always get that look (the look of I'm innocent, ma, and you can't resist the adorable me)! Well, at least with Belle stealing/finishing up Girl's kibbles, Girl can now boast she's the slimmer! :D And they're not sibuk coz cardboard day is always a fun day for any cat. ^_~ P/S: I see a round cushion type bed (in one of your photos), do your cats sleep in them? I got one for Cookie and he wouldn't even step in.

    I've been eating a lot of such breakfasts too (bacon and eggs)...and with bread...and my eggs sometimes intact, sometimes bocor (it usually gets punctured not a the time of cooking but at the time of dishing up)! >_<

    1. Girl has actually lost some weight LOL! because she could squeeze through the gap at the gate! Belle Belle is getting heavier and rounder. The love the cardboard and when they start scratching, they create quite a mess!

      That round cushion is a white elephant because I bought it for Girl and she refused to go anywhere near it. Same thing for Belle Belle. I carried her onto the cushion and she got up and walked away LOL! I don't know what is the reason.

  6. You really have a big appetite like a prisoner released from Sungai Buloh! Muahahaha Just kidding.
    All cats are like kids with tantrums and sulking. The more you punish her, she will stick to you like glue. Later she would become PHC.

    1. LOL! Your comments never fail to crack me up!!!
