Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Rice & Pot Empire : What Do You Mean I Can't Use This Voucher?

Some time in March 2020 at the start of the Movement Control Order (MCO), EDKL launched the Faith for the Future Cash Vouchers : In Support of Malaysian Restaurants

I thought it was a very cool initiative and I was keen to give my support. I checked the list of restaurants and noted that one of my favorite porkie noodle shops is in the list. So I bought a RM25.00 voucher.

Then I forgot all about it until I walked past Rice & Pot Empire. Eh, I bought a cash voucher didn't I?

So I checked my email and luckily I did because my voucher was expiring on 25 July 2020.

I made my way there today, voucher in hand to enjoy my porkie noodle. After I placed my order, I showed the server my voucher but he was unaware of the arrangement and asked me to check with the cashier.

Alas, the cashier appeared to be blur as well. He told me "This voucher cannot use". Why, I asked. "Because the Grabfood promotion no more already". What Grabfood? This is EDKL.  I already paid RM25.00 for it. Can you please check with your boss? (At this point I was about to launch into Incredible Hulk mode but I exercised restraint as I always do).

The guy snapped a photo of my voucher and I made sure he also snapped the expiry date so that nobody can tell me "no more already".

I got me a glass of cold pu erh tea (it might as well have been whisky to calm my nerves). Very refreshing. At about this time, the cashier came to my table to tell me that my voucher was good to go. Great. Or else I will hassle Sean heh...heh...

Now I could sit back and enjoy The Ultimate Pork Indulgence with Tomato Soup. This bowl is fully loaded with goodies.

On an earlier visit before the MCO I snapped some pics and the post stayed in my draft folder. So I will just dig out the photos.

Today, I noticed that the very delicious condiment of dried prawns and choy poh was absent from all the tables. Perhaps this is part of the SOP for hygiene purposes. However, I noticed a sauce plate of the condiment placed on the utensils container.

It was already there when I was seated, so I did not touch it. I could have asked for a fresh serving but I did not. Suffice to say, I had a very satisfying meal. 

Yes, I redeemed my voucher and got the 10% discount as well. Happy me!

After the heavy meal, I had to take a walk before I went back to office. I discovered that Prawn Noodle King has consolidated their shop with Koay Teow King. It makes sense to save on rental and other overheads. Besides they are under the same management.

And guess what? There is a new eatery opening opposite Alliance Bank.

Besides "Penang", "Ipoh" will catch anyone's attention. Let's hope this is a good one.

This is me and my cat getting all kissy kissy with each other hee...hee...


  1. Oh? You wear spectacles? Hmmmm!!!

    Well, all's well that ends well. I hate these promos - they say you get 20% discount on your next visit and when you go again, suddenly the T & C creep out of the wordworks, weekdays, lunch only, only on selected items etc...etc...etc... So obvious they are trying to cheat customers to come again.

    1. Yes, specky me. Without them, I would be as they say, blind as a bat!

      It wasn't the case with this one, just that the management did not communicate to the staff about this voucher. I have had experience like you where I get caught by the fine print. I feel that if you want to give promotion, just give lah, no need to set so many conditions.

  2. I don't trust this kind of promotion where we have to pay for voucher and claim from the shop later on. If the shop close down out of sudden, then habislah….Wah suddenly ah girl getting so affectionate over u...cat's mood hard to predict!

    1. The boss may have forgotten to brief the staff about this voucher, hence the confusion. I was quite shocked when told cannot use LOL!. My cat can be like that when she is in good mood.

  3. Luckily you can use the voucher. Or I be annoyed too.

    1. Phew! I was so happy at the end pay only 50 cents. LOL!

  4. phew! luckily you got the voucher and the discount! otherwise our team will have to chase them! :D

    1. It ended well and a good thing that the cashier could sort it out with the boss!

  5. Wah, Girl Girl looks like she is grooming you la. You are her beloved pet! πŸ’•πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»

  6. Lucky you remember to use your voucher before it expires. Of course they have to honour it but if they don't want to, you can always call Sean to make them honour it.

    1. Fortunately it got sorted out. I was quite relieved.

  7. An ultimate pork indulgence that costs more than RM25 will contain too much meat in one sitting for me (I can see the amount you dug out onto a plate and, on top of that, there's still another piece of minced pork). Probably the workers are new (after the MCO) and may not have been aware of the arrangement.

    Prawn Noodle King & Koay Teow King could be a consolidation or another way of looking at it is they don't have enough business to warrant two separate premises...hahaha! The fact that they use the moniker Ipoh Famous and not the actual name of a particular Ipoh outlet tells me they could be just leveraging on the name "Ipoh" to attract customers, so approach with caution...wuahahahaha! :D P/S: That's the clearest pic you've posted of yourself (I think TM can recognise you when he 'stalks', I mean 'bump' into you in Uptown...kekeke!) ^_~

    1. It is very meaty this one and can be shared between two persons. I go for this when I am ravenous and it is very satisfying. The cashier is still the same person from before. I reckon the boss forgot to alert the staff about this voucher.

      You think TM can recognize me from the photos? Oh dear. LOL!

  8. Good thing you remember the voucher before it expired or else your RM25 burnt. The bowl of noodle looks delicious. Girl cat in loving mood. Looks like she want to kiss you all over the face but the spectacle was in the way.

    1. hee..hee.. I think she was attracted to my spectacles. She kept trying to bump it off.

  9. Wow... didnt know cat can do those kissy kissy moments.. she is like "saying-ing" you after a hassle with the lunch... hahaha...

    1. LOL! It was nice being sayang-ed by my cat!

  10. Nasib tak jadi Hulk kalau tak habis dah kedai tu U tunggang langgangkan hahhaha....Isi dia bnayak jugak tu, puas hatilah harga dia Rm26 henggit ye LL....
    Alahai manjanya meow ngan mommy...

    1. hah..hah..hah... mommy sayang meow...

  11. That's a meat hill! Too much meat for me and I'll most probably end up cannot finish the noodles.
    Nice hair colour!

    1. That bowl of meaty noodles is good to share :)


  12. Lucky you discovered and remembered the voucher before the expiry date. Aiyo, ah girl sayang you ah... So sweet!

    1. Ya lor. Or else wasted RM25. Ah Girl warms my heart :)
