Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Do These Look Like Flowers?

Yeah, right. Ugly flowers. Sometimes, when I have lots of thing to do, I like to torture myself by cooking something simple, made difficult. 

Tofu puffs. Minced meat. Deep frying. Crunch crunch.

I made these before years and years ago and never made them since.

As usual, a gene in my DNA compels me to go into overdrive in the kitchen. Sure, it's Sunday. A day of rest. But no. I have to overachieve and cook all sort of things (which I get to eat, or course).

Two diagonal slits are made on the tofu puff and then the tofu puff is inverted to create a pouch. This pouch is then filled with minced meat and deep fried till golden brown and crispy.

They are great eaten while hot and crunchy. Make sure you season your minced meat well and this snack is da bomb! I love it dipped in sweet chili sauce.

But once cooled, well, you end up with a leathery tofu puff which is not pleasant to eat. You can always re-fry them or simply heat them up in the oven. 

Stuffed Tofu Puffs
Recipe source : Phong Hong

Ingredients :
- 10 tofu puffs (you can rinse in hot water first and squeeze dry to remove excess oil. I was too busy, so I didn't)
- oil for deep frying

For meat stuffing :
- 300g minced meat
- 1 big onion, finely minced
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp tapioca starch (or cornflour)

Method :
1. Cut two diagonal slits on each tofu puff.
2. Carefully invert the puffs to create pockets. Set aside.
3. To make meat stuffing, add all ingredients together and mix until sticky and gluey (I used  my hand).
4. Take some of the meat stuffing and fill each tofu puff.
5. Heat oil in a wok and deep fry the tofu puffs in batches until golden brown and crispy.


  1. Oh, I don't mind these ugly flowers one bit! ^_* Although this shape is a first for me. The ones I've seen and eaten are usually shaped like a half moon. Some genius decided to invert tofu puffs and realised the inside when fried turned out more crispy...and every restaurant followed suit, so thanks to whoever started it first :)

    1. I love this a lot heh..heh... but owing to the already oily tofu puffs which are again deep fried, I'll have have to limit to once a year wahahaha!!

  2. Who says they looked like ugly flowers? Once put inside my mouth and the world turns beautiful in fantasy. You are really talented to make flowers like that!!

    #BungaSedap #TerataiPhongHong #MimpiSayaMakan

    1. heh..heh... I love your hashtags :D :D :D

  3. They are not ugly flowers, but beautiful flowers...

  4. That looks nice. Very creative indeed!

  5. Who says ugly... nice blooming tofu puffs.

  6. I looked at your old post and noticed that the tofu puffs flowers in this post look more like flowers than the previous ones. Must be eaten hot? My throat hurts just thinking about eating them while hot.

    1. Eaten warm lah, too hot cannot eat heh..heh..

  7. I love tofu puffs! Your tofu do not look ugly, they look delicious! Yum!

    1. Thank you, Joyce! They were wonderful to eat, just don't think of the oil :)

  8. They looked like flowers ! Yummy too :)

    1. Yes, a little bit, eh? Very nice to much while still warm.

  9. wah, interesting! i've never quite seen stuffed tofu puffs like this before! :)

    1. hee..hee... they were delicious! I bet they go great with beer, not that I drink.

  10. OMG! it looks so delicious!

    But why aren't you using a good tool for generating recipe cards for your recipes?
    Here is a good one with nice features:

    1. Thanks for the link! I will look it up :)

  11. Eat with white porridge would be nice also because they are flavourful and tasty on their own already

    1. If you like porridge, I suppose it will go well together :)

  12. I don't think they are ugly. I love these and I think I will try to make these. I love fried food.

  13. Wow, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this wonderful tip.

    1. Thanks! Do try as these are delicious.

  14. Rajinnya U LL....

    Tofu ni yang kita selalu letak dalam mee kari tu kan....

    1. Ya, Hainom. Ni tofu yang letak dalam mee kari.

  15. My mom always make this when she prepares Hakka Yong Tao Foo but she did not make it into a flower shape, just a normal "pocket". I love love this because it's super crunchy!

    1. Your mum's Hakka YTF must be delicious!
