Monday, 18 July 2022

Fat Is Your Friend Sugar is Your Foe

I am one of those people who never paid much attention to warnings about cholesterol. Egg yolks are bad. Red meat will kill you. What else? 

Oh, don't eat butter, eat margarine. Don't eat animal fats, use seed oils like canola oil or corn oil instead.


Since 2015 (and even earlier some 50 years ago) the cholesterol myth has been debunked with the 2015-2020 Dietary Guideline for Americans stating that cholesterol is no longer a nutrient for concern.

I have done my reading and research and my background in biology helps me digest all that scientific information. But then again, who am I to dish out nutritional advice, right?

I don't have an MD behind my name or a BSc in nutritional science (the irony is if I had one of those, I would have learnt outdated information and would be like all the doctors and nutritionist and tell you not to eat egg yolks).

What you should be avoiding (or eat less of) are carbohydrates and sugar. Even fruits (which contain fructose, which is a sugar). Even if something does not taste sweet (eg noodles, rice, white bread) it does not mean that it does not contain sugar.

Noodles, rice and bread are carbohydrates and they break down into sugar (glucose) once ingested. Sugar and carbohydrates are the culprits in causing disease due to their inflammatory effect.

I know that most (if not all doctors) in Malaysia will dish out the same old drivel about how saturated fats is bad for you and that cholesterol will give you a heart attack. And they tell you to avoid sugar but they don't tell you to avoid/reduce carbohydrates in general. 

Even if they knew of the new research and findings, your doctor might be afraid to tell you otherwise. Why? Because they could be reprimanded by the medical association like how some doctors in the USA and Australia have gotten into trouble for advising patients to the contrary. 

So instead of becoming miserable from food restrictions and eventually suffering from malnutrition, open up your mind and learn. You may not be a doctor but you have the capability to educate yourself.

Anyway, don't hear it from me. You listen to the experts :

1. Dr Pradip Jamnadas

2. Dr Sten Ekberg

3. Dr Pradip Jamnadas

4. Dr Ken Berry


  1. I don't really bother about such calories, cholesterol. But age is catching up, we can't ignore even if we want to. Moderation is the best. Can eat but not too much. And exercise and rest well are also the keys. I never into diet; don't want to make myself suffering.

    1. I like the word "Moderation" should be the concept of everything we live on !!!!

    2. Rose : Yes, never eat too much!

    3. Coketai : Generally agree but for some people, they can't do moderation Eg like myself there is no such thing as eating potato chips in moderation. Once I eat, I will go crazy and eat the whole packet and more. LOL! So I just avoid it.

  2. This post is torturing!!! All the things that I cannot eat. Ooooo...sausages and bacon!!! Luncheon meat, corned beef...all the things that I love so much. Have to cut down on all processed/preserved/canned meats now. Sobssss!!!!

    1. So sorry. You are doing the right thing with regards to processed/preserved/canned meats.

  3. thanks for sharing, I will watch them when free.

  4. I agree with you! Thanks for sharing it here for everyone to know. 👍Drooling at all your food photos. 😋😋😋😋

    1. These information needs to get more attention. I really cannot stand it when I see people getting nonsensical advice.

  5. All your photos of meat and eggs will make anyone drool (I see bacon & eggs is a staple for I, for one, don't pay attention to what I cannot eat coz if it's something I like, the temptation is too strong. All I can do is eat in moderation. Things like cut away the fat (I'm talking crispy fat lah not those wobbly ones that I dislike..hehe), don't eat the yolks (my mommy taught me not to waste!) or red meat is bad for you. You know what, these are the very things that Atkin's diet will ask you to eat....meat and more meat....and to cut out carbs (cause they break down into sugars). I once followed that diet and lost a good 11 kg...but eventually put it back on (sigh). It's difficult to cut out carbs...I love carbs....and my hands will shake if I don't eat carbs...haha. No more talk of dieting for me. The best we can do is just to eat a balanced diet for our well-being.

    1. Well said! My partner is like you, he must have carbs! LOL! Yeah, I also tried Atkins some years ago and it is very effective. But I was not consistent and had more carbs than I should. The key is consistency and some discipline but very hard lah. One look at a bowl of curry mee and my knees go weak wahahahaha!!

  6. I can resist carbohydrates but that's a different story for sugar...... =.="

    1. hah..hah... many people share your sentiments.

  7. You are absolutely right. We have been deceived by the medical professionals for decades. Many (if not all) of them have been paid by big pharmas to peddle statins. Hence the cholesterol myth! Cholesterol has been wrongly blamed for causing cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Cholesterol is actually there because our bodies are inflammed! Think of cholesterol like a fire truck which has been sent out by our liver to put out the fires (inflammation). We need cholesterol. Our brain consists mostly of cholesterol. As we grow older we need more and more of it. However our body has a way of regulating cholesterol levels. So, eat everything you want, cut down on sugars and carbs (yes, these are the causes of inflammation), everything in moderation, don't skip butter, yolks and red meats (these are very nutrient-dense food), exercise, be happy! Love this post of yours. Do share more in future if you can!

    1. You are on the right track and you know your stuff, Sarah! Way to go! Yes, I will be sharing more of these nutritional information soon. Thanks for dropping by.
