Sunday 1 November 2020

Ganja Eggs (Addictive Eggs lah)


That's what Korean Mayak Eggs would be in our local lingo because "mayak" means addictive. After all there is such a thing as nasi ganja, so why not ganja eggs? 

These eggs are something like those marinated ramen eggs with soft centers. 

The marinade is easy to make and consists of just water, light soy sauce, sugar, garlic, spring onion and sesame seeds. Just mix all these together.

Pour into a container and place the hardboiled eggs into the marinade.

Cover and keep in the fridge to marinate overnight.

I have made these Mayak Eggs three time already because they are so, so good!

These marinated eggs are very tasty - salty, slightly sweet and savory. I could not stop at just one. 

They get saltier as the days go by, so you can take the eggs out into another container after one or two days of marination. But I did not bother doing that. 

I have kept the eggs up to exactly one week and the last egg tasted just fine and I did not have any tummy issues. Apparently, you can reuse the marinade but you need to boil it and then cool it down. But I prefer to start with a fresh marinade.

Mayak Eggs
Recipe source : Adapted from Futuredish

Ingredients :
- 10 eggs (mine are straight out from the fridge)

Note : prepare a bowl of cold water to put the eggs in after they are done cooking 

For the marinade :
- 1 cup light soy sauce
- 1 cup water 
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 stalk spring onion, chopped
- 2 large cloves garlic, finely minced (I use a garlic press)
- 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds

Method :
1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
2. Lower the heat to a gentle simmer and put in the eggs.
3. Put the timer on for 8 minutes and bring the water back to a simmer.
4. When the time is up, remove the eggs and place in a bowl of cold water. 
5. When the eggs are cool enough to handle, peel and set aside.
6. To make the marinade, mix soy sauce, water and sugar. Stir to dissolve the sugar.
7. Then add chopped spring onion, minced ginger and sesame seeds. Stir to mix.
8. Pour the marinade into a container and add the eggs.
9. Cover and store in the fridge overnight to marinate.


  1. Ooooo...those eggs look so good! I promise I shall never laugh at your eggs again! LOL!!!

  2. ah....telur ganja! I like! does your cats eat them?

  3. When I clicked on the link I realised that this was the one I recently got 'connected' to after reading about them from a food blog I follow. Ooo, I like watching their videos too. Ah, so I see where you get your inspiration from when it comes to Korean food...hehe! ^_~ Because of the different soy sauce used, theirs took on a darker colour than yours. I gathered rom their video that you can eat the eggs with rice together with the marinade. Did you do that? ;)

    1. Me too, I like their videos. That guy Daniel has a great personality. Yes, I have eaten the eggs with just rice and the marinade. It's really good.

  4. Eggs for me anytime, in any form I also like.

  5. I like the blue and white porcelain plates you use to put your eggs, they are so pretty! Where you bought them?

  6. The hard-boiled eggs solid center will turn soft after being marinated? This is something like Europe pickled eggs?

    1. No, in fact they will solidify with time.

  7. Did you eat rice with the marinate like EwEw asked? If not, what happened to the marinate since u did new marinate for the next batch of eggs?

    1. Yes, I did. The excess marinade was discarded.

  8. Thanks PH for the recipe, I want to try doing this one day.. but surely cannot finish 10 eggs in a week.. I might try on 5.. hahaha..

    1. Five eggs not enough lah. You will regret hah...hah...

  9. I think I ate these eggs somewhere but didn't know its special name. I will remember Mayak Eggs!
    I will pay attention when I dine at the Korean Restaurants.

    1. So far I have not come across these eggs at Korean restaurants. They should serve these eggs!

  10. Wow, you know what PH, every time i got egg from orang kawen, orang melayu kawen always ada telur as a gift, i got headache coz donno what to after this i can try this mayak egg. Tq for sharing the recipe.

    1. Wah you get so many eggs from the wedding. I selalu just kopek and makan hah...hah...

  11. I've made similar flavoured eggs and for me, the hardest part is get the eggs cooked in perfect doneness and the egg shell peeling process, have to be extra careful, or else the eggs can break easily =.="

    1. Yes, I agree. Sometimes my eggs are a bit too soft and they break :(

  12. Hahaaaa... ingatkan nama nasi ganja saja, rupanya ada telur ganja juga... dapat nama tu sebab ketagih nak makan ye, sedap ya PH?

    1. Itu lah, PH teringat resipi Nasi Ganja yang Amie share dulu. Telur ni sedap, masin-masin dan sedikit manis dengan aroma bijan.

  13. Wah PH thanks for sharing the recipe! Nampak menarik telur ganja ni! Nanti ada kesempatan saya try buat!

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