Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Operasi Tangkap Kucing. MeowwwO!!!

Gotcha! I have been trying to get this kitty cat into the carrier so that I can take her to the vet. Not so easy. 

So. How? Have set a trap. Like so evil.

Put the carrier right outside with the door kept open.

The bait. Whiskas tuna, all mashed up and yummy! yummy!

Oooo!!! Cannot resist!

Push the plate all the way inside the carrier.

Look at that. The first day or two, she left both hind legs outside for a quick getaway. Mommy played it cool.

When she was done, she "gostan" out of the carrier. I let her be.

We chill out together.

See. Ah Girl also make dunno.

I let this go on for a few days. Almost a week or so. She was more confident and at ease. She goes all the way in.

And then it was time to strike! This happened last Saturday.

heh..heh..heh... Kena tangkap!

She did not kick up much of a fuss. Ah Girl was a lot worse.

I had to put her in my office while waiting for the clinic to open.

To be continued .........


  1. Only way to lure a cat in. Haha. No choice.

    1. I actually felt bad about it but it was for a good intention.

  2. success! :D wonder if it'll be harder to get her to fall for this in future now. guess have to be patient and keep trying :)

    1. I am wondering the same thing because I need to get her into the carrier again for the next vet visit!

  3. haha....u sounded like a witch trying to lure a cat into the cage...jst that it is not a black cat! good tht ah girl 'play along' to act like nothing happen!

  4. You are so smart like Detective Sherlock Holmes to catch a thief or murderer with a fish bait.

    I wonder why so many people could easily carry their cats on the small knapsack bags with full windows with their cats inside. The cats loved being holed up and taken for excursions.

    1. I have seen that on Lazada. Looks quite nice hee..hee..

  5. Even humans can be lured with food, why not cats! hahahaa... At first I thought it was your princess you wanted to take to the vet...

    1. LOL! My princess I can easily put her inside the carrier with my partner's help.

  6. I like that big fat tail! LOL!!!

  7. Resistance is futile...especially when there's food around! :D She has grown in confidence as days go by judging from her feet outside the cage to inside with tail slightly down and finally to having her feet totally inside the cage with tail up...sign of happiness & contentment. Good job! ;)

    Haha, I just hope you did not tangkap someone else's cat coz I still can't believe how gemuk, well fed and docile she is seeing that she's a stray. There are cat owners (like a neighbour of mine) who let their cat(s) out all day (like Cowboy) who comes to my house for handouts too. He also looks unkept and dirty coz they never take him to the groomers for baths or to the vet. Some pet owners own many cats but let them roam around the neighbourhood freely without any collar on (Cowboy used to have a collar but doesn't anymore). Maybe these owners are hoping for (or don't mind) some of their cats to be adopted when they have one too many. Well, should that be the case, you'll make a far better mommy to this cat than any owner (if she happens to be not a stray). P/S: From the shots taken, she seems to have big, lovely eyes. Can't wait to see her all cleaned and checked.

    1. Cat is not wearing a collar with name and telephone number means no owner. πŸ˜€

    2. Kris : I believe she had an owner at some point (because she is friendly and loving) but was let go. She may have gotten food from nice people in the neighborhood or at a restaurant nearby (stray cats like to hangout there for the freebies). She also happens to be a voracious eater (which explains her girth) and she wallops Ah Girl's leftover food hah..hah...

    3. Mun : Err...not all owners put collar or contact info on their cats. In fact I did not give Ah Girl a collar until recently.

    4. That is the accepted practice by TNVR people and or MBPJ people. Cats found wandering on the street without tags on collars will be taken to spay or shelters because it is the owners' responsibilities to indicate that the cats are theirs. That is why I was concerned when Girl Girl is free to go out without a collar. That is the general practice I was told by TNVR people. No collar means can take to spay and neuter.

  8. Eh! Suspense betul! Y cerita hanging? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Hope she is enjoying life with you now. Please continue cerita, please. Thank you for taking her to the vet to treat the lesions.

    1. There is a part 2 and more stories on her :)

  9. Did she meowed when she was trapped. You are a good cat catcher.

    1. She did but she was resigned to her fate. LOL!

  10. Ha Ha ...Just like I predict , you meow family will grow, grow and grow......

  11. I will feel guilty trapping her like that too but it is ok knowing that you have good intentions. Will you be adopting her?

    1. I felt bad too but as you said, I did it with good intentions. Yes, I have adopted her.
