Friday 9 September 2016


Did you see that? The pesky snail clinging on to my Rosemary plant.

I immediately sprung into action and removed the snail. If I let it stay in the garden, it will devour my plants.

The next morning I spotted another one. Or did the same one hitchhike back from Siberia?

Nyah..nyah..nyah...I climbed back from next door!

Look at it.

Then while checking on my compost, I discovered more creepy crawlies.

Let's see what Phong Hong dumps into the compost. Bah! No cake!

See those black things? Those are some kind of slugs and they flourish during the wet season. So when it rains, I see lots of these creatures. 

I used to see brown ones but lately I see these black ones. They love to eat my plants especially young shoots.

There's even a baby one on a fallen branch.

A few days later I found a brown one. Languidly slithering on my car porch.

Phong Hong's driveway damn smooth.
And then a black one trying to make out with my garden hose.


And then a threesome on the grass.

Hurry up Charlotte! George is coming!

My late grandma was an avid gardener and she used to exterminate these slugs and snails with salt. Pour salt on them and they writhe in agony and you literally see them dissolve into slime. Apologies for the explicit description.

And then one weekend I woke up to this.

Nyah...nyah...nyah....there goes your pandan chiffon cake.


  1. The black creature, don't think i seen it before...

    1. That's because you don't do gardening...

  2. These uninvited pests make their homes in my garden too. They thrive on the compost so now I bury my compost. So far I only see the brown slugs, I hope I won't see any black slugs! Yuks!

    1. They are so yucky and I have to keep an eye on them. Once they ate my zinnia seedlings :(

  3. I envy the herbs you have at your disposal....rosemary (great in roast chicken) and pandan leaves (comes in very handy when you need them). I can't grow anything...squat! So, you get rid of those slugs by making a compost out of them? >_< Hey, the can make escargots....wakakakaka! ;D

    1. hah..hah..I doubt if these garden snails are suitable for eating >.<

  4. It has been raining in the morning today and on Wednesday. On rainy days snails will come out to play. On wed morning I sqw a huge snail behind the car so I had to remove it so that the car won't run over it. It oozes slime and hide into its shell when I touch it. Did u throw salt all over them like what your grandma did?

    1. No, I did not. I just threw them outside me garden...hopefully birds will pick them up.

  5. Your green plants must be very healthy and delicious to attract them all. Oh no, please don;t kill them like your grandma. Bad karma returns. Poor Charlotte had to run from George! Where did you get these fairy tale names?? LOLOL

    1. On no, I did not kill them but I did throw them out.

  6. WTF... why I read this shit during lunch time. OMG!

  7. Hi Phong Hong, you are very observant. Whenever I see these creatures in the field, I'm quite protective of them. Usually will lift them up and place them somewhere safe where nobody will step on them. Crazy but I pray for their safety.

    1. Kimmy, you are a very kind person. I usually try not to kill and will chase them out or place them outside my garden. I do feel guilty killing these creatures.

  8. Escargots!!! Yum...yummmm!!!! :D :D :D

  9. people are thinking what i'm thinking - the next time you see one, put it in the pan, saute over low heat, add shallots and garlic, season with salt and pepper, and voila ... bon appetit! :D

    1. That sounds delicious but I don't think this garden variety is edible >.<

  10. According to an organic gardening website, it states that adjustment in the watering schedule must be made. Slugs are most active at night and are most efficient in damp conditions. Avoid watering your garden in the evening if you have a slug problem. Water in the morning - the surface soil will be dry by evening. Studies show this can reduce slug damage by 80%.

    I had used the following slug repellent in my allotment. It's expansive but works and is approved for organic gardening. The link also recommends the use of nemaslug (expansive but effective. Approved for organic gardening).

    1. Wow, you have done your research! I will look it up and many thanks for the information.

    2. I have a lot of gardening knowledge. I received my training from Garden Organic, a highly regarded organisation in the UK. In addition, I did a lot of experiments in my allotment eg my tomatoes survived the blight while others perished and I didn't spend a penny. No shame!!đŸ˜œ

  11. I will run far far away if I see them!

  12. Indeed very slimy objects in the garden.. Too fragrant to resist your treasures, PH...

    1. hah..hah...maybe because they like messy garden lah...

  13. so did you take out the salt in the end, Phong Hong?

  14. Slugs and snails. You must've been very busily being occupied by them.

    Respect that you don't kill them.

    I always feel guilty when I accidentally stepped on one when I can't see them at night ^^!

    1. Now that I am older, I am more conscious about these things so I try not to kill unless absolutely necessary.

  15. Oooh! I bet my dad (who has a green thumb that I sadly didn't inherit) would have a solution for that - probably something to do with dishwater or suds from the washing machine. :-)

    1. Yeah, I bet your dad would know how to combat these garden pests. I could learn a thing or two from him :)

  16. Raining season now, even more snails!! This morning, I just disposed 2 caterpillars from my lime plant. Sigh!!

    1. I found more snails and slugs in my garden today! eeekkss!!

  17. Oh dear ! If I see these eerie creatures, I will run away or splash water at them ... wash them away. Anyway I don't have a garden ^-^!

    1. They cling on quite tightly and it's quite hard to get rid of them by spraying water >.<

  18. OMG, those slugs really brought goosebumps to my skin!
