Wednesday, 11 January 2017

My Green Addiction

Ever since I got acquainted with Chimichurri, I am addicted. I eat it with everything - roasted chicken, vegetables and whatever I can get my hands on.

I even eat it with my fried eggs.

I had a conversation with my mum on new year day and she mentioned to me that she tasted chimichurri at a new year countdown dinner. 

Well, there was roasted lamb served at the dinner and a green sauce was placed near it. Mum said she was quite excited to try the chimichurri (she was sure it wasn't mint sauce) but she was not impressed because it was bland.

I ran out of olive oil, so I used avocado oil. I'm afraid it was not as good.
So please use olive oil.
Bland? Well, I am not surprised because not too long ago I had a steak served with chimichurri and it was also bland. No taste at all. LOL! 

Well, how can it be bland? Unless whoever prepared the chimichurri does not know what he or she is doing. I don't mean to be condescending but it is true.

The ingredients - A generous handful of Italian parsley plus some coriander leaves, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/2 cup of olive oil and a tablespoon of red wine vinegar. Do these sound bland?

Just put all the ingredients into a blender or a food processor and whizz away.

Pour into a bottle and it can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. In fact I stretched it to two weeks and it was fine.

I can't get enough of it. Salty and sourish with the fragrance of parsley/coriander and the pungency of garlic. Love it, love it, love it πŸ˜‹.


  1. I would have mint sauce with lamb but I sure would not mind this. Not sure if my girl would love this though - she is not a fan of parsley...and my missus do not enjoy those coriander leaves.

    1. If the ladies do not like those herbs, then they won't like this sauce.

  2. Same with STP daughter, i am not a fan of parsley...

    1. Then you will no thank you to this sauce...

  3. A little bit of love for South America I see... ;-) (well at least some flavours from there)

  4. maybe their sauce has been there for a long long long time so it tastes bland when compared to the flavourful beef steak or lamb. i love the taste of parsley and coriander and vinegar so i am sure i would like this sauce too unless the pungency of garlic overpowered the other tastes.

    1. You could be right, stale sauce since the color was also off, not bright green like mine. The taste of garlic can be adjusted by putting more or less.

  5. My apologies for a silly question but what is Italian parsley? Is it the locally grown thin stem celery aka 'king chai' in hokkien that is used as topping for beef noodles or flavoring soup?
    Cheers, Florence

    1. Florence, it is not "king chai". It's Italian flat leaf parsley which you can get at the supermarket. Look in the herbs section and you might find it there. Can also substitute with English parsley (the curly vege that is used as garnishing on most western restaurant meals).

  6. Hi, PH!

    I'm back ~_^

    I have the same question. Silly or not, I do want to know what is actually Italian parsley? Parsley ada banyak type meh?

    So this is your new addiction for 2017... Bet I will see more of chimichurri on your food and less tempeh maybe ^_^

    By the way, can I make this without the wine and just vinegar?

    1. Hello dear! Great to have you back. Not silly at all :) There are a few varieties of parsley. If you go to Aeon or any supermarket, look at the herbs section. Or you can substitute dengan English parsley.

      Yes, you can use other types of vinegar. Perhaps distilled vinegar is suitable. Or even use lemon juice instead.

  7. chimichurri - I dunno it is called this way. Me was like like "hantam" version of dressing. I once done it before for chicken breast seasoning then grilled it. Simply hearbs and earthy smell.
    Hubby hate parsley and he didn't know it is made from parsley actually..

    1. I like it a lot. Actually can hantam2 make one hah..hah...

  8. Never had this before. I had a pot of Italian parsley but it died off last week. Sigh!!

    1. What a pity! I wish I had Italian parsley in my garden because I love it.

  9. Mahu tidaknya kena gi selongkar supermarket cari Italian parsley lepas ni. tq share resepinya

  10. Thanks for the idea. Lol...another recipe for me to try..

  11. This magic sauce of yours got me excited when I heard it is not the Mint Sauce. Looking at the ingredients used, I am sure I would love it. Looks like I need to blend them on my own as I would never get to taste yours. (Nice trying & persistent? LOL)

    1. Very easy to make, so no need for me to do it for you hee..hee...

  12. Hi PH,
    Kulihat hijauuuuuuu
    Hijau yg sedap neh

  13. Bagus ni PH..
    Go green hihihi..
    Nmpk sedap tu..

  14. Certainly not bland! I would love this sauce too...I am imagining sipping and eating the steamed chicken with it...Reminded me of My in-laws they used to chop the basil leaves finely and then add in fried garlic, oil and soy sauce for the steamed chicken...

    1. Your in-law's sauce sounds delicious. I wanna try it!

  15. I'm not sure if I had this sauce before in all my eating escapades. I probably have but it didn't leave any impression. From your recipe, it looks simple enough to make but I don't have red wine vinegar. I once bought white wine and balsamic vinegar (and I only used it sparingly as I don't cook with it that much), it expired well before even 10% was used. Now I try to refrain from buying any of these. Hey, I noticed that your 1 tsp of salt, you actually mean one heaped tsp. I always thought that when recipes say 1 tsp of salt, we're suppose to level the tsp, not heap it up. I've even seen cook show hosts level the tsp with their fingers...hehe! ^_*

    1. From my mum and my own experience, the ones out there won't make an impression hee..hee... Ah, usually it will mean level but I believe if I leveled it with my finger, it will look leveled :)

  16. I finally got to try chimichurri a couple years ago! I fell in love with my first bite. I don't think the hubby feels the same way---so I've only made it at home once :) Yours looks just right!

    1. Oh, too bad the hubby isn't thrilled about it hah..hah...

  17. Kalau i buat ni kat rumah dah confirmedlah mmg i sorang yg mmakan PH....
    Harus bertahun tahun baru habis haha...

    1. Kalau macam tu, tak usah buat lah kan. Kalau terjumpa masa makan kat kedai, Hainom boleh try.

  18. Yes, I like this green sauce and also mint sauce. I only get to taste these when eating out.

    1. Usually not practical to make it at home unless if you consume it often.

  19. I have not tried chimichurri before, would love to try it

    1. You might come across it when you eat at restaurants that serve western food.

  20. Oh, I am addicted to Green sauce. Mine is with basil, called "pesto". Having said that, yours look absolutely delicious!

    1. Oh, I have tried pesto and it's lovely too :)

  21. Wow, tiga biji telur tu you makan sorang ke PH;)

    1. hah..hah..yes, ticer, I eat 3 telur sekali gus :D :D :D

  22. I know the sauce will be bland tasting by just looking at the ingredients :P Can I add more salt LOL

    1. No lah, not bland. It is very flavorful.
