Thursday, 17 September 2020

Public Holiday. Do What?

Yesterday was Malaysia Day and a public holiday. I wanted to wake up early and get going with my plans for the day but heck, I was still so tired when the alarm clock went off. I turned it off and went back to sleep. 

My cat was meowing and whining outside my room. When I did not respond, she got annoyed and started scratching the floor. I could hear one of my parquet pieces coming loose and being flung about by my naughty cat. Ok..Ok...I get it... Mommy is getting up now. Haiz...

You know what I was going to do? 

Still don't know?


All this time, my cat after being fed, made herself very comfortable in the living room.

She did not even ask to go outside. I notice that when I am at home, she prefers to stay indoors.

She was enjoying her snooze all right while mommy was busy in the kitchen.

My late grandma used to make this starchy glue for my school art projects. But now I make it for myself to eat - as kimchi paste. Who knew one day I would be eating glue.

Mixed with blended onion, garlic and ginger, fish sauce, plum sauce and loads of Korean hot pepper flakes, it becomes kimchi paste.

I know for a fact that many of you dislike kimchi and think that it is awful. It is ok, I accept and respect your feelings about kimchi. In fact when I told my mum that I made kimchi, she was like...oh?...again? it really that nice? The less than enthusiastic response caused me to add my mum to the (long) list of people who dislike kimchi

We are all different. We have different tastebuds. What I like, you may not like. Likewise, what you like, I might dislike. But I won't go as far as insulting what you like with expressions like yucks! or whatever it is you use to express your distaste.

So. Anyway. I am happy that I made two tubs of regular kimchi and another small tub of secret kimchi heh..heh... 

And after all that, the washing up.

Today, back at work, I went out for lunch at Rice & Pot Empire because I had purchased an eCard from Fave.

I paid RM69.60 for a value of RM100.00 which I will use to pay for my meals. I thought it was a good deal.

This came with the regular menu.

Oh! That's nice. Why not give it a try.

It was served before my noodles arrived. That's when I realized that the cendol came from elsewhere. The person who served me entered via the front entrance and collected RM4.50 from me. Oh, ok, the cendol is outsourced hah...hah...

Oh wow. It was good. Enough santan with adequate gula Melaka, That's how I ended up having dessert before my main meal.

Just as I was done with the cendol, my noodles arrived. I opted for the original bone broth (instead of tomato) with bursting meatballs and I added dumplings.

That was a very good lunch! I will be back for many more meals.


  1. sedapnyer cendol! I wanna have a mangkuk too!

  2. I think I'll stop at the cendol...or go for seconds. The noodles don't look so enticing but I'd go for that anytime...instead of kim chi!

    1. I prefer the tomato based soup compared to this one.

  3. Wow, its that the way to make kimchi errr..sos? Heard alot about khimci but donno what and how..eheh..the truth is i dont care abot it..haha, my doter said..tak kena dgn tekak Melayu..
    But the shendoll..eemmm..that one i really care, haha

  4. Love the cendol and all your kimchi. Your secret kimchi got petai in it? I can only hope. 😋😋😋

  5. So heart warning to hear girl girl doesn't go out when you are home. She loves you so much. Nowadays I also couldn't sleep in.

  6. Desserts first, then main meal... I also like that! Sometimes they will ask first whether to serve or not or save for last... but I always tell them to bring out even before food is served!

    1. LOL! The second time, I ate my noodles first and by that time the cendol melted a bit was was nicer that way.

  7. I am feeling hungry now. I want the noodles and also the cendol. And then snooze like your Girl. Your Girl really enjoys her snooze looking at all her sleeping positions. Lol!

  8. Wah, you have many colanders...and many metal a full service kitchen...hee..hee! ;)

    1. hah..hah... the metal bowls are very useful in the kitchen. I have metal plates too hee..hee...

  9. Did not do much other than went out for lunch and stayed home chasing drama. Haha.

  10. It is really good that you made you own kimchi. Anytime you want to eat also no problem, just take out from fridge. I've tried kimchi and I'm not included in the list of people that dislike it. Haha I have no problem with the taste and I kinda like it actually.

    The cendol is so nyummy!!! Long time already I no eat cendol.

    1. It is so good to know that you like kimchi! High 5!

  11. I like kimchi too! especially in kimchi jigae. It's tangy, savory & so niceeee. To each of their own right? By the way, kimchi is a good source of probiotics that is important for our digestive health, so it's good to include them in our diet.

  12. I never get tired of Kimchi after eating them for the first time in the 90s in America. Those Korean roomates fed me until I got hooked and addicted. Honestly, that pickles could help me to loose weight and clear my colons. LOLOL

    1. LOL! Good to know that you enjoy kimchi!

  13. I wonder what's the function of that "glue" in kimchi making.

    1. It helps to make the paste thick and easier to stick to the vegetables.

  14. So nice to enjoy kimchi making at home during public holiday. I am thinking of eating korean food tomorrow hee hee. I am sure you enjoy the company of your ah girl.

    1. Ah Girl brings a lot of joy to my life!
