Friday 11 March 2016

Oh My Flowers!

For once my Adenium bloomed with such a red intensity. It must have been due to the fertilizer I added to the soil. I love flowers. Who doesn't, right? They are so pretty. There is one special flower in my garden that I have long waited for it to bloom. It finally did.

This is Bunga Kantan (Torch Ginger) which I planted about 4 years ago. I was thrilled when I saw this flower bud.

And then I discovered there were two.

I love bunga kantan. You will find this flower used in Asam Laksa and Asam Fish. It's also very nice in kerabu.

But no, I wasn't going to harvest the flower and eat it. It's too precious to me.

I wanted to see it bloom to its full glory.

Both my Bunga Kantan have since faded and I wonder when I will see the next bloom.

And then, my lime plant flowered. Again, I was thrilled.

This lime plant has been growing for donkey years without bearing fruit. It flowered two years ago but the flowers (there were three) dropped.

This time, it developed. Finally!

I counted five little fruits.

Another flower that decided to grace my garden is this lily. I don't know what sort of lily this is.

I noticed this flower bud one morning. It kept growing taller. 

I counted four flower buds. 

Then it bloomed one by one.

The flower droops and reminds me of a showerhead. 

My curry plant is also flowering. 

And then I found this little critter feasting on my lime plant.

OK, I gotta go and do a Dexter on this perpetrator. 


  1. wow, out of a sudden after many years, they all bloomed at once?? that's indeed one very happy moment and I guess probably some good luck is coming on the way to knock on your door!! hehe.. so maybe some toto and 4D?? :p

    1. They bloomed at around the same time after being dormant for so long. Hope got luck but I don't know how to play toto or 4D....

  2. hehe.. who doesn't like flowers?? err, I don't really la, or maybe if it's a plant that I plant myself that bloom into flowers, I will also very very happy.. I think it's more about seeing the results, something to reward you for the hardwork and time spent in taking care of the plants.. :)

    1. Flowers are more of a female thing right? I just love looking at flowers and if they are from my garden, lagi happy!

  3. I'm impressed; they're beautiful! The plants would probably die in my hands. Hahaha! I'm allergic to insects so no plants are allowed in my home...... xoxo

    1. Thanks, Shirley! Well, I have had some plants die in my hands too LOL!

  4. Plants can't come to me, if plants come to me, sure goes heaven...

    1. hah..hah...good mah, heaven got more plants :D

  5. Gorgeous flowers, Phong. What lovely surprises. I'm still waiting for my Pineapple plant to produce, it's been more than 4 years! You have given me hope by sharing your lovely "late" bloomers today. Thank you so much for sharing...

    1. Thank you, Louise! Don't give up hope on your pineapple, one day it will surprise you :)

  6. Hi Phong Hong, my Adenium is blooming too. Same colour as yours. But I don't have the luxury of having a garden with pots of flower as I'm staying in high rise building.

    1. Hi Amy! You can still do container gardening. Actually plants in small pots are rather attractive.

  7. I once had a pot of Adenium until a stray cat knocked it over and the pot broke...and that was the end of that. I didn't salvage the plant as it wasn't really flowering anymore. I don't have green you! ;)

    1. Oh well, we all have different hobbies. My adenium rarely flowers and at one time, there were no flowers at all. Perhaps the fertilizer helped.

  8. Flowers have stated to bloom it shows that spring time is here though there is no changes of season here.

  9. Hi Phong Hong, I would enjoy a stroll in your garden, so many lovely flowers. I love the Bunga Kantan when it blooms with the petals opened up. Moreover, it is so fragrant.

    1. Hi Kimmy! The next time the bunga kantan flowers, I will harvest it and make kerabu! hee..hee...

  10. Very nice and pretty like you Phong Hong. Sorry ya I have no idea how old are you but you really resemble like my mom. Can cook very well as well as planting.

    1. Oh, like me? hee...hee...I am almost 50 liao.

  11. That's Adenium, eh? Dunno the name. I think in Chinese, it is Fook Kui Hua or something. My missus has one, only the wood left but that day, I removed all the weeds - the plant was no longer visible because of them, added fertiliser and watered it every day. Now some small leaves have appeared and flowers too!!! Hehehehehe!!!! Not bad, me...for someone who has no green fingers. Hopefully, that will bring me sone fook (good luck)!

    1. Oh, if it is suddenly coming alive under your care then there is hope for you yet! hee..hee... Keep up with the watering (but not too much) and fertilizing and hopefully your Fook Kui Hua will flourish.

  12. So happy for you. Your Adenium flowers and bunga kantan are very beautiful. So is the white lily flowers. My Adenium is also flowering. But one pot got infested with pest and I am hoping new leaves will grow again. Oh yes, better get rid of the green critter on your lime leaf or transfer it out of your garden.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I have another pot of Adenium and I also noticed some infestation. But couldn't find the culprit.

  13. I love to see flowers but have not done my part in planting them till today. Indeed your flowers are very pretty.... They look very dainty too... 👏👏

    1. Thank you, Claire! With you galloping here and there, you won't have time for flowers hah..hah..

  14. Like father like daughter, both have beautiful gardens.

    1. Thank you, Mun. That was a lovely compliment :)

  15. Hi Phong Hong,
    I like to arrange floral pieces but somehow I'm not fated to grow flowers & plants ... "all go to heaven" ... hee.. hee! So lovely Adenium and torch ginger. Like the white "shower head" too :)

    1. Karen, think of it this way. With people like you, heaven is full of plants and flowers. hee..hee..

  16. After seeing this, maybe there is hope for my very dormant plants!

  17. My buddy told me, her plants have got snails! And she asked me how the snails manage to climb up to her house cos she stayed at high floor, I sort of don't know how to answer her!

    1. They could have been transported via other plants that were brought up to the higher floors. From there, they can make their way to upper floors. Amazing, right?

  18. Phong Hong, your flowers and plants are so beautiful, and I can see you have the 'green thumb'...I have some really nice flowers and plants to show've given me an idea for another post for next time!

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth! Come, come, show me the flowers in your garden!

  19. The Adenium is so pretty and vibrant. This one is a good feng shui plant. So good things coming soon.

    This is the first time I see a beautiful Bunga Kantan. So unique and tight buds. Pluck it out and cook Assam Laksa. Don;t forget to invite me too.

    1. I saw two more bunga kantan buds coming out. I am so excited!

  20. Can feel your excitement about the plants, too bad I don't have green fingers, whatever I plant, they "mati" in a short while
