Monday, 11 November 2024

Foodicious Food & Beverage Expo

Recently there was a food & beverage expo at The Starling.

Anything to do with food gets me very curious and perky. So last Friday, I visited the Foodicious Food & Beverage Expo which ran from 08-11-2024 to 10-11-2024.

It was held at the Event Hall on level 5. Same level as GSC.

I had to pass through the cinema, one of my favorite places at the mall but of late, there are not many good movies showing.

You have to register to qualify for redemptions which I did not bother.

The turnout was not too bad.

On my way in, I was cornered by a lady from an animal shelter. She spoke to me in Mandarin, so I just nodded sagely as she showed me the brochure. She was telling me about monthly sponsorship plans, it's RM30 per month for cats.

I am all for animal shelters (I love cats and dogs) but I already have 4 refugees in my house who cost me more than RM30 per month, so I am doing my part in sheltering cats. So I had to excuse myself politely. 

There are leng luis standing around offering visitors free food samples.  Obviously the food here is not suitable for me. I need to go to a meat expo hah...hah...hah...

The products exhibited here are (of course) predominantly carbohydrates.

This one is promoting organic multigrain puffs. I shall reserve my comments about such products.

This Kokoshka tagline is Satisfy Your Snack Cravings. We know where that leads us to, right? My lips are sealed.

There were cakes and cookies at this EDAO booth.

This Momoyo booth was serving fruit teas and soft serve ice cream.

Waffle and toast, how to resist? hee..hee...

I used to eat loads of cashew nuts. Cashew nuts are delicious! And terribly addictive.

There were also booths selling lime and nutmeg jelly as well as bottled sambal.

Keropok lekor, Vietnamese coffee and spring rolls. 

Ah! Tea and coffee! I also saw a mochi booth. Oooh... I love mochi.

This one has to do with feet and posture. I wasn't paying attention because this was not food.

Kokoshka again. A snack lovers' haven.

This one is one of those games I think where you are playing for those cute toys.

Ah! Sushiplus will be opening soon at the basement.

This is those flavored powdered health drink and again I reserve my comments.

So that was my visit on the first day of the three day expo. It was OK but my critique is the layout of the expo was not very conducive. It was clunky and not smooth when you move from one booth to the next.


  1. Good morning 🌞 Thank you for giving us a tour of this food fare. I guess you didn't buy anything from there. Ya, you are doing more than many people for the 😺🐈 so you can proudly tell that lady. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ

    1. Good morning! No, I didn't buy anything since nothing there suits me.

  2. Good morning! Thanks for sharing. This reminds me if the food expo I went with my buddy a few years back. It is very interesting to observe how the promoters try to sell their products. Usually I don't buy much from food expo.

    1. Good morning! It is nice to just go look-see-look-see.

  3. I am sure you enjoyed walking around this food fare as you once commented in my blog that any expo related to food you would be interested.

    1. hah..hah.. yes, food always interest me!

  4. Such food expo is dangerous for me because I always feel like buying everything home, very greedy.... >_<

    1. hah..hah..hah... luckily you didn't visit or else sure borong all the snacks!
