Monday 3 June 2024

Don't Squander Your Day Away

Today (Monday wooohoo!) is a public holiday. At first I thought of going to the office to get things done but I decided against it.

I had earlier planned to get some (major) household chores done and since these opportunities are few are far between, it is best to just get them done.

Prior to 2023, thanks to the pandemic, I worked from home once a week. Of course I don't park my ass at my home office desk all day. I get my housekeeping done while monitoring my phone and email. Then on Saturdays, I work full force (it's the best day to work).

I was also quite active on the Steak & Butter Gang (SBG) back in 2022. It gave me a lot of joy since that was my only social activity. I used to participate in the weekday Zoom calls (8:00am to 9:00am) and after the session, I focus full force on my work. On Saturdays I used to enjoy their community meetings. Alas, I had to give that up too.

Last week, I suggested to my mum that for the time being, we visit dad only on Saturdays. Wednesdays I need to focus on my work (many deadlines to meet from now until September). Mum is very understanding and agreed. We told dad about it and he was agreeable to the once a week visits.

So. Today is my first opportunity to enjoy or rather utilize my personal time on a public holiday.

First agenda of the morning was to clean my wall fan. Look at how dusty it is. This chore is long overdue. I dismantled the fan and gave the parts a good wash.

There you go. My wall fan all clean. When it is clean, you can feel improvement in the performance of the fan. Also I am not breathing in the dust.

After that I spent the rest of the morning in the garden pulling weeds, trimming plants and clearing away dried leaves and such. I don't have any garden photos (too messy to show people LOL!) but Kittie Kat pulled a stunt for me to see.

She scaled the grill door. It's been a while since I saw her doing her Spiderman stunt.

I don't know what she was trying to achieve. Maybe she was attempting to enter the house via the ceiling.

Then her mini-me, little Ms Poodie came along.

Like mother like daughter.

I have seen Poodie climb the grill door. She is the only one who can climb all the way up. TuTu and Ah Boi will just attempt the first three or four levels. Never all the way up.

Poodie and her ma are partners in crime. 

Then her ma decided to come down.

Leaving Poodie all by herself up there.

When she attempted to climb down, she was a bit scared, crying all the way. Hah! Climb some more! The little girl made her way down safely. 

Naughty girl!

I went back inside the house and did a load of laundry. Well, it has been a productive day. I made good use of my time and did not squander away my precious day.

This was lunch. A treat for me for time well spent!


  1. Good job PH! We feel happy and accomplished when we did what we planned to do. Prior to the pandemic, I am already working from home (WFH) since 2018. I start work in the afternoon. So in the morning after my lunch and looking to my household chores, I will go full force in the afternoon and after dinner, I will report to my boss on the work done for the day. And that will be my usual routine and my day at work. I am reaping all the benefits of WFH plus I wake up naturally in the morning without the need to set any alarm. There is a small kitten in my neighbourhood garden near the old folks' home. Very naughty cat too. It will make its way and climb up the plants fence/grill and stay on the top of the plants fence/grill. You have very understanding parents and good that communication is very open.

    Partners in crime. Lol!

    1. hah..hah... thanks, Libby! WFH does have benefits as long as we don't get distracted from our work. Kittens are very cheeky and cute too. Sometimes my kittens give me a headache! LOL!

  2. What public holiday is it?

  3. Aiyor, this Poodie is so brave! She is scared but continued to climb down. Kittie Kat must have detected cicak in your ceiling to climb up so high to try to get to the cicak.

    1. Poodie is the bravest of the whole lot and very feisty too!

  4. u have a very productive day! I was just lazying hybernate mode and it rained heavily in the, in lazy mode whole day.....I feel so guilty now!

    1. I wanted to do like you but cannot hah...hah..hah....

  5. Don't talk about gardens!!! Mine is a total mess!!! No time to do anything, not even a bit...every day at the elderly care centre.

    1. I hope that your missus is doing well at the care center. We are moving my dad to another place so I have to juggle with the logistics >.<

  6. Wow, spiderman stunt, oh, should call it catman stunt! LOL
