Friday 7 June 2024

Finally 3

Finally last Saturday we ordered only three dishes instead of four hah..hah..hah...

After placing our order, we would always tell the server "chili garlic!", our must-have condiments.

Another first for us, a bucket of ice.

A nice change from our usual hot Chinese tea.

My brother's favorite Dong Choi Steamed Fish.

Our favorite Belacan Pucuk Paku.

And my favorite Signature Pork Rib.

It was my turn to pay but my brother beat me to it because he said there was one time when I paid twice. We have this unspoken rule where we take turns to pay for makan.

The three dishes were adequate to fill our tummies and we were very saitiated!

***Kittie Updates***

This is for TuTu's fans.

I was gardening on Monday (public holiday) and TuTu did some poses on top of the mailbox.

This girl loves to pose.

Tuuu!!! You are so cute!

Wah...look so fierce!


  1. All the three dishes ngam me! What a nice family time together. I second you, Tutu, you are so cute! There is also a black and white kitten in my neighbourhood old folks' home's garden. It always rest itself on the swing in the garden. So good life! It is very playful too and looks so happy, care-free and worry free.

    1. My cats have a good life. All they do is eat, sleep, pee, poop and play. And look cute. LOL!

  2. There is one article that says, spend time with animals and setting goals are two of the ways to make yourself happy. Another way is to develop gratitude in simple things, such as a cup of aromatic kopi, sunset and nature etc. So I can understand why you are happy in your life right now. Be happy! Life is short.

    1. I support what you said! Life is short and we must be grateful for what we have and not be so greedy!

  3. Dong cai is very appetizing! It goes well with steamed fish as well.

    1. Yes, can make us eat lots of rice. LOL!

  4. Love all your three dishes there! Tong choi steamed fish, I haven't tried before but choy poe steamed fish got... the garlic and the chilli in the container looks fresh!

    1. We love the food here and so far not tired of it yet.

  5. That long pork ribs look so absolutely 👄 smackingly tasty 😋
    Tutu is a born photogenic model. She will immediately strike a pose when she sees grandma pointing the HP at her 😻

    1. We had the long ribs again today and it was my brother's turn to chew on the bone. LOL!

  6. yes, i m TuTu's fan. She reminds me of the tuxedo cat in the office. Belacan pucuk paku looks delicious!

    1. I will make you the president of TuTu's fan club. LOL!

  7. I feel that this portion was bigger than when you ordered 4 dishes, which I think the restaurant made adjustment according to the dishes ordered?

    1. Their sizing can be different and not consistent. Sometimes the L we order look more like M >.<
