Thursday 23 May 2024

Goodbye My Friend

It is with great sadness that  I found out early this morning that my friend, Mr Tan Lee Kim, passed away on Tuesday 21-05-2024.

Many of you know him from his blog Twilight Zone. I had the privilege to get to know and meet him after I consulted him on the Nirvana bereavement packages.

My brother who had also met with TM (Twilight Man as he is known among fellow bloggers and fans) was also saddened to learn of his passing. 

My deep regret is not following through with my intention of meeting up with him back in December 2023 and also during recent times. Next thing I knew, he was again battling with the ravages of chemotherapy. 

May you rest in peace, TM. You are a good person and I am glad to have gotten to know you. I shall have fond memories of our first meetup here.

This photo was taken on our last meet up in October last year.

Well, such is life. We never know what will happen. I know that TM would not want us to be sad as he was such a positive and humorous guy who always left me hilarious comments. I shall miss him as will most of you.

Comfort food which I shouldn't have but will not feel guilty about.

***Kittie Kat Updates***

Kittie Kat is restless and scratched the underpads and thus made a mess.

Her incision is healing well.

Today is day 7 after the procedure and I intend to let Kittie Kat out from the cage after day 10. I bet she can't wait.


  1. Kittie Kat is so bored & sick of her confinement in the cage & not able to play with her kittens :(

    1. Yeah, so I set her free today and she was so happy!

  2. It was sad indeed when I heard about his passing from you this morning. In these photos, he still looked like his old self and not the frail person in his photo grid. That was just 6 months fast and swift life can change and turn. He had such a kind heart, always doing good deeds and helping those in need. I'm sure he was a friend to many and I'd like to call him my friend too. So, goodbye my friend. RIP, TM. P/S: You're "excused" for having comfort food in times like these. ^_~

    1. Yes, he was a friend of yours too. He is missed by all of us!

  3. Life is short so live as though today is the last day.

    1. Yes, never waste our time on this earth!

  4. This news is giving me the goosebumps and making me feel emotional and sad. Goodbye my fellow blogger friend. It has been a pleasure knowing you. Rest in peace.

    1. Many of TM's friends and followers are very very sad.

  5. Goodbye TM and may he RIP! Life is short, cherish every moment!

  6. Oh dear TM, you will be dearly missed, RIP.....

    1. Up to today I feel the loss and sadness...
