Thursday, 6 March 2025

Steaky and Eggy Sunday

On Sunday I had steak and eggs for my OMAD (one meal a day).

At Aeon I took the opportunity the snap a photo of these white strawberries. I'm afraid (in my opinion) white doesn't suit strawberries.

In contrast, these blood red strawberries are so attractive. 

I was very tempted to buy these cherries, but no, I did not buy any.

Past noon, I cooked a steak. I used my cast iron pan and let the steak rest on a metal rack to cool and to allow the juices to drip onto the metal plate.

Then I fried 5 duck eggs. I wanted to finish these eggs before they expire. Of course, with the steak, I was not able to eat all five eggs.

I also made some caramelized onions using the fats left in the pan after cooking the steak.

Seasoned with salt and pepper.

So good and so filling.


  1. Good morning! I thought those were white chocolates in strawberry shape.

    1. Good morning! White strawberries look weird to me.

  2. I wish I could eat steaks and eggs everyday. Perhaps I can try. Looks so 😋 tasty!

  3. I certainly wouldn't mind a sugar-free meal of steak & eggs in my diet...but steaks are so expensive! T_T Your fried eggs look so much better than Halla Holla's. I've not seen nor eaten white strawberries before...wonder what they taste like...and yes, red strawberries are so much more attractive.

    1. Yeah, sadly steaks are so pricey. I wish that we have a huge ladang lembu here that can supply local steaks which could be cheaper LOL! Ah, fried eggs, can't beat using the good old wok!

  4. Good late morning! Lol. I forgot to compliment you until I read Kris's comment that I should do so. Beautiful runny fried eggs that you made. Slurps! I just had double half boiled runny eggs from my neighborhood food centre at S$1.20 without adding any soy sauce or pepper. Just authentic on its own.

    1. Good evening! hah..hah.. thank you, it took me a long time to be able to fry eggs like that. I also love half boiled eggs.

  5. I must agree with the statement of steak + egg = 100%, but steak isn't cheap to be consumed frequently.... :(

    1. Yes, I can't eat steak all the time but I wish I could LOL!
