Tuesday, 4 March 2025

I Love Your Kimchi

This was back in January 2025 when I completed one of my 24 hour fasts. My last meal the day before was at 5:30pm.

I broke my fast at around 5:30pm. No lunch at the office. I had a piece of salmon, leftover chicken liver and fermented veggies. I know. My meal looked dreadful.

Then I had a mix of L. Reuteri cultured diary with kefir.

Early morning, Girl came into the house.

She had breakfast of boiled chicken and chicken liver. So did my other kitties.

My naughty girl went back outside because she was bored.

On my way back from Damansara Jaya (this was before Chinese New Year) I stopped at Jaya Grocer. When I was paying for my purchase, the lion dance team (with the God of Prosperity leading the way) was about to begin their routine.

I went back to the office and later when I was hungry, I went for lunch.

My first 2025 visit to Hanam BBQ.

Pork belly (180g) and collar butt (180g). 

I requested for no lettuce, no salad and no marinated garlic leaves. No lettuce because I don't care for it (anymore). While the salad and marinated garlic leaves are both too sweet for my taste. 

So I only had kimchi and condiments of mustard/salt and ssamjang/raw garlic.

I had two servings of their very delicious kimchi. I actually wanted another serving, but shy lah. Their kimchi is super delicious.

That was a happy meal! 


  1. Happy mid day! Just finished my salmon belly lunch with carbs of white rice and baked potato. By the way, just overheard my neighborhood lady boss talking "bad" about our neighborhood cats behind the cats' back lol. She said, cats ah are very petty one, I five days close shop didn't feed her, when I came back, called out to her she boh hiew me meaning cannot be bothered to respond and come forward to me. I was thinking she was gossiping about the cat to the rest of the aunties! So funny. Better than gossiping about fellow humans right hah hah hah... Ok will be back with other comments. Stay cool! The sun is very bright and strong. Good for my laundry bye!

    1. Good morning! Hah..hah..hah... your story about the lady boss bad mouthing the cat is so funny! Yeah, cats sometimes go mood. Blue Eyes sometimes also ignore me when I call out to her.

  2. I like how this Korean BBQ server not only cooked your meats but also arrange them neatly while doing so...lol! ;) So, you remembered to ask them not to grill your kimchi this time, I presume.

    1. Oh yes, they arrange the meats very neatly and then very expertly clean up the grill. I put the kimchi far far away and when they server tried to reach out for it, I tell him no! LOL!

    2. PH: lol !! So smart by putting the kimchi far away if not the server would be fast hand fast leg, before you knew it, the kimchi would be on the grill.

    3. Clever, right? LOL!!!

  3. The staff cut the meat almost in same thickness, I wonder if this is one of their SOP? LOL

    1. Most likely their SOP so that the meat is evenly cooked.

  4. I had finished my stock of kimchi and you also reminded me that I must go get my "bacteria" and calcium as in yogurt. Usually I try not to stock up food in my fridge unless like kimchi it comes in bucket/box as I love my food fresh and I try not to "pressure" myself that I must complete this and that by a certain date. To stock up or not to stock up, both has its pros and cons. Not stocking up means it is a little tedious as you need to visit the marts very often (even though I have two supermarts just within the vicinity of my residence with one going 24 hours). I still need my lettuces (veggies) to go with my meats and there is a Korean restaurant which serves pork belly in my "to visit list". Yet I am skeptical on visiting new outlets now after a disappointing visit to a Thai restaurant recently.

    1. I used to over-stock until many times the items expired before I can finish. So I don't do it anymore. Trying new eateries always carries a risk.

  5. The pork belly (180g) and collar butt (180g) look really delicious for porky lovers. 😋
    Kimchi I am sure I will like.
    Girl photos look so nice, you sure know how to capture her photogenic angles. 😻.

    1. Girl is very flattered by your compliment hee..hee...

  6. Their kimchi look really rich and tasty. Yums! Playful and cute Ah Girl.

    1. Their kimchi is the best I have tasted. Ah Girl can be very cute and sweet but sometimes she also boh hiew me. LOL!

  7. I’m deeply sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences to you and your loved ones.
