Sunday 19 April 2020

Covid-19 MCO : Day #33 (Chicken Rice)

It is Sunday, day #33 and still counting. I wonder if the MCO would be lifted week after next. Phase 3 of the MCO is scheduled to end 28-04-2020. What are you hoping for?

Of course I am hoping to get back to work. I need to carry a black umbrella and visit clients to collect money. If not, I have to start eating sweet potatoes! hah..hah...hah...

Last evening my partner sounded out to me that we should eat regular rice instead of basmati. Without hesitation I agreed, after all he is the one who consumes rice more that I do. Everyone is feeling the pinch and we have to choose cheaper alternatives.

My toiletries stock take this morning revealed this.

Lahling! SOS!

hee..hee..hee... a very important commodity.

As well as the above, today's grocery run :

I asked for Minyak Cap Buruh but it was not available. The light soya sauce I did not specify the brand to make things easy. I got my Gardenia Wholemeal Bread. Yay! And my ong lai (pineapple). Yay!

My lahling also hauled back one bag of Floral Beras Wangi Thai. Oh ya, he also bought Whiskas cat food.

Today I was malas to cook. So I took my phone and tekan-tekan. Feel like eating chicken rice pulak but I need to cut down on carbs because I put on weight. Bah!

heh..heh... from Seng Kee Chicken Rice.

Long time didn't eat this.

I ordered just the proteins. Can DIY sendiri punya plain rice and add on vegetables. Of course the oily rice is more delicious but fattening (oil + carbs can cause very quick fat storage). 

This is the steamed chicken, medium. I figured small is quarter chicken, medium is half chicken and large is one whole chicken.

This is the small portion of char siew, enough for two persons. I specifically requested for fat and yes, they followed my request. This char siew was pretty good. I remember disliking Seng Kee's char siew.

The ketua pengarah hasil dalam rumah came to tax her portion. I chose the breast part for her, skin removed and torn into bite sized pieces. 

Laziness aside, somehow I was motivated to do a small food prep since there was leftover rice. Why not, right? 

Yesterday night my cat went out and did not come home when I called her. Usually she is either next door or somewhere nearby and will come inside when she hears me. 

She must have gone dating until don't know how to come home. 

Haiz...another week gone. Fingers crossed, hopefully next week we can hear good news...


  1. Hopefully too. I am getting restless, if my kids not. Lol.

    Now I am craving for chicken rice. Did have ordered chicken rice last week. Maybe will order again tomorrow.

    1. My next order must include the oily rice hah..hah...

  2. Muahahahaha.... Welcome to my Sweet Potatoes club. It's a nutritious club for lazy people who put on weight and going hysterical because the MCO will be extended 😂😂😂😅😅
    Other countries have voiced out their lockdown extending past June after the Minister had conference with 500 countries. So ours will probably follow.

    I would seriously advise you to do some furniture shifting around your house to create new flow of fresh energy and chi. You just rearrange the position of the sofas and dining table or shelves. Maybe bring potted plants into the house and sleep on fresh looking bedsheets tonight. You have been drowning in the ocean with star fishes! Lolol. You will be happier and energetic right away! 100% guaranteed. (Copyright by FengShuiTM

    My wife always banned me from buying Cap Buruh cooking oil due to several reasons. I think Celebrity Chef Agnes Chang had shared all the secret cooking tips and brands with her during the private food tasting dinners at hotels. So we use Natural Sunflower Oil which boosts the taste of frying.

    Goodness! I was just outside Seng Kee at lunch time because Annie-1 was too crowded. I remembered your post, so I proceeded to go to Nam Heong instead and pop over to Jaya Grocer while waiting for them to steam my dim sum orders. I must say that I was extremely disappointed with NH but won't vent in your post. Cry! Cry!

    I thought your cat can easily come into the kitchen when you shake her cat food biscuits in the bag. I did that to all the cats and don't bother to call their names. Sometimes I would clap my hands many times or tap their special fur comb. They will come running to enjoy a good brush on their fur. 😂😂😂

    1. hee..heee..sweet potatoes! Oh ya, I did just that today. Was planning on doing it actually even before MCO but no time. You are right, I feel more peaceful after that.

      The cap buruh brand is minyak kelapa sawit. I must go do research why your wife is not in favor.

      I was not impressed with Nam Heong and never returned except for the egg tarts and chicken sou which are not bad. Seng Kee has improved but there were times when standard seemed to drop. They are non consistent in that sense.

      Usually, when I open the front door, she can hear and will come over without me having to call her. But I believe sometimes she goes gallivanting.

  3. I wish that it would be extended till the end of May 2020. Boleh shopping for you already. good good got everything you wanted. So when did Girl Girl return home last night? Or she stayed overnight some where?

    1. If I had no deadlines or no money issues, extend until June also I will be happy LOL! Girl girl came home only the next morning. So naughty!

  4. I like those oily oily chicken rice yums!

  5. For a while I was wondering why your chicken rice (title) looks like fried rice (photo). My missus cooked chicken rice that day, blogpost on it coming soon. Toilet rolls, that brand, any good? Don't think we have that here. We use Scotts. Haizzzzz!!!! Go out again and again and again! Buy so little one time! Tsk! Tsk!

    1. There was no nice photo of chicken rice, that's why hah..hha.. That brand is an in-house brand and the quality is not good.

  6. Wah! Chicken and char siew look so good. Your girl is enjoying a good life, plus she can go dating without worrying about getting a summon from the police. Hahaha...

    1. hah..hah.. the advantage of being a cat!

  7. wah…went out dating and ignoring mummy's call brave & rebellious liao...That chicken rice looks I feel like wanna order Nam Heong Chicken Rice (just the chicken only) and steam my own rice.

    1. Err...I hope you like Nam Heong chicken rice. The last time I had it, I refused to go back there again. LOL!

  8. I remember you not liking Seng Kee...but it has now become a regular spot for you for chicken rice. There must have been great improvement...perhaps it warrants a revisit from me after the MCO. Everyone has to make adjustments in some way to tighten their budget. I guess you could do less tekan-tekan and more tapau-ing (like I do) for a cheaper meal...haha! :D I've just started on my third bag of 5 kg rice (for my family of three) after cooking so much in the first 4 weeks (even 'normal' rice costs about RM25 for a 5kg bag, I remember it used to cost a lot less before. I used to buy 'loose' rice of 1 kg from the wet market when I cook infrequently and I remember that cost only RM3/kg). I also don't use Cap Buruh (that's peanut oil, right?). I use corn (usually Mazola if I can find) or sunflower oil (like TM) as it's deemed healthier than peanut oil.

    Of course the (house) income tax authorities will not let up (even during the MCO) and mine comes and tax me too. Your girl is very naughty...staying out all night and don't come home. You're not worried leaving her out the whole night? I can't do that with Cookie as I'd be worried sick (+ he's male and he could get into a fight with other males). There was a time (or times) I had to go out in the dead of the night and canvassed the streets to call him home...haiz. That was when he was younger (and more curious), luckily he doesn't do that anymore.

    1. Seng Kee has improved but they are not consistent. Sometime nice, sometimes not nice, so I was gambling hah..hah... and luckily it turned out good especially the char siew. Tapauing is cheaper but a problem for me as I rely on my partner and he is not in favor of outside food. The cap buruh oil is palm oil.

      I reckon my girl is all right on her own outside as she has been an outdoor cat way before I met her. But I try to keep her indoors in the evening in spite of her protests. Wow, I am impressed that in the past you went out looking for Cookie in the dead of night. That itself tells me you love Cookie to bits.

  9. I bought a 5kg rice that day instead of the normal 1kg.. before MCO, 1kg also can last me many many days.. but now I need a bigger packet cos most days, own cooking, no more enjoying outside food like before.

    1. Exactly! I never realized food and rice can finish so fast hah..hah...

  10. Roasted chiken tu mcm sedap je LL hihi....
    Ayoooo, tak sabar nak tunggu cucu eh. Be careful tau, kadang kadan Ah Girl kalau dah nak beranak, beranak tak berhenti berhenti. U tak seram ke? hihi

    1. Memang sedap pun, Hainom! LL masuk bakul angkat sendiri :D Seram jugak lah pikir pasal cucu hah..hah...
