Monday 30 October 2023

Kam Kee Cafe 1967, The Starling

Well, what can I say? 1967 was a good year wahahahaha!!! I have always wanted to try Kam Kee Cafe but never did until now.

The deterring factor then was the perpetual crowd at peak lunch hour (and beyond). So one day after my walk from Damansara Jaya, tired and hungry, I decided to drop by.

They are still as popular as ever and the lunch crowd was leaving when I visited.

Ordering is via QR or if you wish, you can use the order chit.

While waiting for my order, I took a picture of the overhead decorations.

Shortly, my egg tart was served.

It was a nice egg tart but nothing remarkable. I might prefer the ones from TK Bakery.

My main course. Fried beef koay teow which I have eaten twice (and enjoyed) via Grabfood

Oh yes, it was wonderful, hot off the wok.

I helped myself to the delicious chili oil.

Ah! So good!

By the way, water costs RM1.00.

Today, I returned. I wanted to try their Polo Bun

With a thick slice of butter.

If there is one carb that gets me (besides chocolate cake), it is buns and breads. This was divine. The Polo Bun (my first time trying Polo Bun) was fresh with a lovely yeasty aroma. It is sweetish and eaten with butter, ah!

The coffee with milk was unfortunately a big fail to me. No coffee taste at all. I wonder what kind of coffee they used. Not ordering this coffee again.

But food wise, very happy! I might come back hee..hee...


  1. I have eaten there several times and my poor BUTTOCK always suffered!! My friends could sit there to yum cha and gossip for 3 to 5 hoursss! Horrors! It's due to the comfort menu and polo buns attraction. I have been eating polo buns in HKG since the 80s till now. It took so long for the culture to reach KL and now very popular. I must try the fried beef koay teow soon! Been eating that Pho meals too many times until I look like a Viet Cong soldier. 😂😂😂

    1. Adoi! LOL! I like Kam Kee Cafe and the food is quite nice. I went back a few times after this.

  2. Ah, good to see you enjoyed your visit to Kam Kee. I have yet to try the polo bun. The egg tart doesn't have lard taste in the pastry so for lard pastry, better eat TK egg tarts.

    1. TK egg tarts are better to me. I enjoyed Kam Kee Cafe so much that I returned a few times after that.

  3. No QR for me. I'm boycotting all places bullying old folks like me. It was all right during the pandemic for health reasons, no reason to keep on doing that. Only two or three here, I think...and one closed down already. I left when I found out about the QR thing there. Padan muka!!! Macam hebat sangat! Ptuiiii!!!!

    1. Ah, I see you feel very strongly against QR ordering. Some places still give a choice. You can either use QR or fill up their order chit.

  4. Cakes, bread, buns, noodles,'ve been a bad bad girl! For must eat some more! :D Never mind lah, it's not life and death (live a little!)....+ I've enjoyed seeing/drooling at some of your food. The few times I've had polo bun, I can't say I enjoy them tremendously coz 1) the thick slab of butter is too rich for me and 2) that crust (of sugary cracks) on the polo bun is too sweet. The beef kway teow looks good though. P/S: You must feel very "atas" having your food served to you on a golden plate...hehe! ;D

    1. Guilty as charged! LOL! I git hooked on the food at Kam Kee Cafe and returned a few times. You will be reading about it hah..hah..hah...

  5. One of my favourite food to order in a HK Cha Chan Teng is stir fried beef Kuey Teow, but not every restaurant do it nicely as some are really oily. I don't like Polo Bun for its sugary crust on top but I would be happy if I were served with such a thick slab of butter, hehe. :P

    1. The kuey teow at Kam Kee Cafe is very good, not too oily.
