Thursday 25 February 2021

It's So Good To Dine Out Again

I have been eating takeaways at the office and I do miss eating out. Nothing beats eating food that has been freshly cooked.

This has been my typical takeaway.

Food packed in paper bowls.

So I ventured out to my favorite haunt - the food court at Starling Mall.

First dine-in was at Hotpot 1. Incidentally that was where I had my last dine-in before the MCO 2.0.

The Sweet and Sour Seafish Slices was very nice. 

This is my free side dish, two very crispy little fish.

I noticed that Seoul Station, Ramen X and Teochew Meng have called it a day.

This foodcourt is becoming very lonely.

Fortunately, my favorite Pho Real is still there. That's where I headed the next day.

Still so good! 

I'm so glad they are still around. 

Elsewhere at the mall, opened at the basement. I have yet to check them out.

My brother had his own dine-in adventure.

He shared his experience with me.

Does that look good or what? Thumbs up from him.

That's not all. He went for desserts.

The gelato was all right but the latte so so. At least this one I did not feel jealous hah..hah...

Remember the cookies I baked for my partner's sister on his request? I wanted to tell him it wasn't a good idea (since the cookies had to be sent by courier) but I did not want to disappoint him. 

This is how they looked like when they arrived.

So to those of you who hint hint me to send you cookies, this is the reason why I can't send cookies to you. You would end up eating cookie crumbles hah..hah...


  1. it feel so good to be able to dine out again...coz when tapao, the food tend to be cold (not as warm) and has vapor on its lid/ mch difference when the food is eaten fresh & warm! i had my dine-out on 2nd of CNY at A&W...solo dining. And today i m back to the office to have lousang with colleagues! 2months plus since i last went to the office and great to see my colleagues again.

    1. Hahahaha 🤣, I knew u will go back lou sang with your office people before cny day 15 cos that is what office people do.

    2. Nux V : Good for you! I am sure it was great having lousang with your colleagues.

  2. It is ok. I buy from johor, one container of pineapple tarts also ended up in crumbles but I still eat the crumbs la. So ok to send to me by courier cos I will still eat the crumbs. Lolx!😋😋😋what a glutton I am! Hahahaha! 😂

  3. I want to eat the two little crispy fish so if state borders are open on march 5, I m going to starling mall to eat at this hotpot 1. 😋😋😋😋

  4. The fries in your brother's photo look very tasty!

    1. He told me the fries are sprinkled with a seasoning that made them very tasty.

  5. Lead me not into temptation - see my blogpost tomorrow, I've been very very good!
    I love those little fish, your free side dish - I think they are call kilat - the mini pek chio (bawal putih), fry till crispy, eat it all up including the bones...very nice. My girl is not a fan, that is why I never buy.

    1. Have you? LOL! I have seen those tiny fish at the supermarket.

  6. Yeah, sure eating out is much more tastier than buying home or delivery. Maybe it is the presentation and another thing is I don't like the plastics they put the food into. hahaha.. maybe I am fussy!

    1. It is true, tapau not so nice. Not fussy LOL!

  7. Delicious food. I like the free fried fish. Your brother's dessert looks delicious.

  8. Bad time. Some has to close shop and call it a day.

    It is nice and refreshing to dine out again.

    1. Oh yes, I am enjoying eating out and oh dear, what happen to my diet? LOL!

  9. Oh dear, those crumbled cookies, sad lah, waste your effort to make them so nicely... Your partner should have sent them personally to his sister >_<

    1. Couldn't send personally since she is in another state. LOL!

    2. Next time just send on the day itself using grab express delivery. More expensive but your cookies won't crumble.

  10. Cookie crumbles? You need to learn how to bubble wrap like a Shopee seller...hahaha! :D Anyway, you baked the cookies, someone should send them personally for you or your brother could pick them up lah...unless they're in different districts.

    Ya, nothing beats dining out...especially soup noodles. Delivered food, if you're lucky, will arrive lukewarm. I've been dining out regularly at my neighbourhood shops ever since dine-in was allowed. ^_~ Your sweet sour fish looks amazing. By the way, what's seafish? Don't all fish come from the sea...wakakakaka! ;D P/S: Isn't that three very crispy little fish I see?

    1. Oh I did wrap them up nicely and made sure that the cookie jars were secure but alas, the courier must have handled the box roughly (in spite of the fragile label). The sister is in another state hence we had to courier.

      Oh yes, in fact I feel like dining out everyday. LOL! I wonder too why they must say "seafish", perhaps to say that they are not freshwater fish? I had to go back and look at the photo and gosh! you are right, it appears that there were three fish! But I remember only two back bones. Perhaps the "third" fish was half of one of the fish hah..hah...

  11. I am so happy to be able to dine outside again too. The feeling is like having freedom and helping others to survive! I must go upstairs the Starling Food Court again to support them. I have been eating at The Museum.

    1. The Museum is too expensive for me. There are two things I like there - the char siew and the paku salad!

  12. It is so great to be able to dine out again. I am sure the sweet and sour fish slices were tender and fresh, that is why you like them. Your brother's dessert and fries look good.

    1. Ironically, I have been bringing food from home. I eat out about twice a week now, not as often as before. But that might change again.

  13. Since Circuit Breaker was over in SG, I have been dining out, nothing beats dining on the spot with food served warm and freshly cooked.

    1. That is true. We have taken dining out for granted until it was taken away from us!
