Monday, 6 January 2025

Sunday Heart Attack

Yesterday evening, as I was getting ready to wind down and take a shower, there was a message from the administrator of the nursing home.

There were two photos with the caption "Want to inform dad is bleeding today". My heart sank and memories of 2023 flashed through my head. Instant depression.

The next message was "BP and SPO2 is normal". That was a small consolation.

I informed the administrator to give dad tranexemic acid to stop the bleeding. Then I proceeded with what I had to do at home, all the while with a heavy heart.

I did not hear from the home after that. Now I appreciate the meaning of "no news is good news". Well. Life goes on.

This was lunch yesterday. A sirloin steak and two duck eggs.

That morning at Aeon, there was a huge crowd. I blame that on Chinese New Year fever. I told my partner, the next three weeks will be hell and we have to come earlier to beat the crowd. I hate crowds!

I cooked a packet of chicken livers for dinner.

And chicken wings. I did not enjoy my dinner, so there are leftovers.

Early this morning, Kittie Kat's ex-lover again made his appearance.

He always gives me the evil eye. My partner jokingly refers to him as my "son-in-law-in-exile". Well, after I stared at him, he ran away. I also hissed at him for good measure.

On my way back from Damansara Jaya today, I spotted this poster at Seven Street.

This is their idea of Asian tapas.

Then I went to the chap fan stall at Restoran 1111 to tapau lunch. I was there earlier to tapau lunch for my mum.

Pork ear and I believe meat from the pork head (which I love!).

It was good except that I found the five spice overpowering. 

Nowadays, I prefer my seasoning to be simple, just salt and pepper although I still tolerate some spices.


  1. I wish that your dad will be well and ok. That time my uncle in the nursing home also had bleeding in the ears but after the doctor and the nurse tended to him, he was ok. I also learn to appreciate no news is good news. I had 2 pork belly buns for my dinner today. At times I love to eat pork belly. The buns were yummy!

    1. Thank you! No news, so I assume that the bleeding stopped like it did a few times before. Pork belly is my favorite! I hope all is well with your uncle.

  2. Kittie Kat's ex-lover is back hoping for some "action" not knowing his ex-girlfriend has been "fixed" What kind of Asian tapas is that....just smaller portions of fried rice & noodles? :D Glad there's no further news on your dad's condition and that everything's fine for now.

    1. LOL! That rascal comes over to steal my girls' food! Yes, all is well with my dad for now, thanks. It's scary because these things are unpredictable.

  3. 🙏 that the bleeding is stopped for good 🙏
    Hope your father is feeling ok now. 🙏
    Good for you to hiss at the 😺🐈 to keep him away from your kiddos.

    1. For now, my dad is OK but there is possibility bleeding may occur again.

  4. I can understand why you feel depressed when you received news of your dad bleeding. Who doesn't? But lucky and glad that he is well and ok. Don't worry, I can see that your family members are all very closely knitted, so whatever it is, always stay strong and seek support from your family members.

    1. Thank you for your comforting words. For now, all seems OK but don't know if it will stay that way.

  5. Thanks for sharing your daily food and beverage intake. I will share mine too. Coffee is a daily must for me without fail. Tomorrow will have siew mai and char siew bao for breakfast. For lunch will have ytf bee hoon soup (with bittergourd, shrimp balls, etc). Dinner will just go light and have 2 chicken luncheon meat buns.

    1. Your meals sound delicious to me. I am happy to know that you are also a coffee person hah..hah...

  6. By the way, PH, can you leave your mailing address at my emaiil address, I will like to send you something. Thanks!

    1. Oh, sure! You have sent me something before, so sweet of you.

  7. I think the food is in tapas portion, hence they are advertised like that.

    1. I think so. But not nice lah eat that type of dishes in small portions like that hah..hah...
